
  • 线路编号:245
  • 买二送一 更多优惠
  • Pick up:本行程提供免费送机服务 详细>>
  • $498.00
    • 价格:
      2013-1-1至2014-3-31 散客参团 $658.00
      2013-1-1至2014-3-31 散客参团 $658.00
    • 成人:   儿童:   房间:
    • 出团日期:
    • 更多





    第1天 家园-拉斯韦加斯 
    2、请于下午3:30PM在当天入住酒店Circus Circus Hotel Skyrise Tower等候,不包含 LAS 接機(付費接機:5 人以下每程$50)

    酒店:CIRCUS CIRCUS Casino Hotel (马戏马戏酒店) 或同级

    第2天 胡佛水坝-西峡谷/南峡谷-拉斯韦加斯(下订单时,请在备注一栏注明所选行程) 
     西峡谷行程:您可以由不同的角度欣赏阳光与峡谷岩壁折射而形成的奇景。峡谷的壮观让您不得不赞叹大自然的神奇伟大。你可于大峡谷边缘享受由印弟安人泡制的风味午餐。您更可自费参观位于大峡谷西缘的一大新建筑物 “玻璃桥”。它悬空于海拔4000尺之上。这座耗资六千万美元打造而成的玻璃桥能同时承受71台747波音客机(约七千一百万磅)的重量。玻璃桥是全世界最高的建筑物。在桥上你可以欣赏到720°度的大峡谷景观。你还可以从这块用玻璃制成的平台上,俯瞰大峡谷壮丽的景色及感受大自然的神奇伟大。桥下美景尽收眼帘,使人心情激动、叹为观止。您更可以自费乘坐直升机及观光船观赏大峡谷的美景。 傍晚时分回到拉斯韦加斯。*参加此行程的团员必须购买西峡谷门票$80(含午餐)。
    酒店:CIRCUS CIRCUS Casino Hotel (马戏马戏酒店) 或同级

    第3天 巧克力工厂-名牌工厂直销中心-洛杉矶 
    酒店:Howard Johnson Fullerton 或同级

    第4天 迪斯尼乐园/海洋世界/洛杉矶市区游/棕榈泉工厂直销店


    酒店:Howard Johnson Fullerton 或同级

    第5天 好莱坞-环球影城-洛杉矶送机  

       清晨前往洛杉矶著名景点--好莱坞星光大道,星光大道是由南加州艺术家奥立佛·威斯慕拉于1958年建造,上面有2400颗镶有好莱坞商会追敬名人姓名的星形奖章,以纪念他们对娱乐业的贡献。星光大道的起点是好莱坞著名的建筑-中国戏院(Grauman's Chinese Theatre),奥斯卡金像奖在1944至1946年间于此颁发,2001年开始转移到旁边的柯达剧院举行。除了奥斯卡金像奖之外,许多好莱坞电影的首映也多在此举行。


        环球电影公司坐落在美国电影工业重镇好莱坞,占地525英亩,占据了整座好莱坞山。它由48个电影制片厂组成,其中有32个致力于影片的拍摄。环球电影城是世界上最大的电影和电视剧产地,而好莱坞环球影城主题公园是洛杉矶最为著名的旅游景点,这次旅程将带您游历城里的恐怖片的拍摄场景,如: 鬼屋, 山洪爆发,大白鲨, 金刚咆哮等等。最新推出的金刚3D电影是世界上最大最令人紧张的3D体验,可以让您领略到电影里的真实场景。您也可以感受终结者2的3D,4D的立体影片。栩栩如生的造型让您有一种身临其境的感觉。而在未来水世界,木乃伊归来,侏罗纪公园和怪物史瑞克里又会有令人畏惧和神经紧张的感受。在这里您可以充分的体验场面宏大的表演和动物秀,以及幽默滑稽的儿童节目。






    旧金山接机时间:8:30AM - 10:30PM (其它时间需额外付费或自行去酒店)


    • 散客参团预订程序及出团通知书
    • 本产品是即时预订旅游产品,预订时会自动为您计算价格(支持人民币及美元),自动确认等,您只需按步骤预订即可
    • 1.选择线路,点击"我要预订"开始您的预订.
    • 2.填写相关信息(出发日期,客人数量,房间数量等).
    • 3.支付定金(一般为10%-50%)(可以在线支付,也可转帐支付,可支付美元,也可支付人民币)
    • 4.支付成功后,获取定金支付确认书(如果有支付困难,请与客服联系),也可稍后进入您的订单再支付定金,一般24小时内支付有效.
    • 5.支付成功后,等待我方最后确认.如果没有位置,会退回全部定金;如果有位置请立即支付余款才能确定您的预定。
    • 6.支付余款(请进入您的订单去支付余款,支付方式与支付定金是一样的)
    • 7.发放"出团通知书"(一般提前1-3天发放,包括准确的行程安排,详细的集合信息,紧急联系电话,免费接机信息等)  请在您的订单或邮箱中收取"出团通知书".如出团前未收到,请与您的客服人员联系.
    • 注意:
    • 1.如果是单人预订,预订时可选择单人住一间的价格,另外,我们的部份行程可选择与其它人配房,我们将尽量为您配房.这样的价格会便宜一下些.
    • 2.如果是二人以上预订,部份行程可选择买二送一,买二送二的优惠住宿方式,也就是三人或四人同住一间房,可获得第三人及第四人优惠价格甚至是免费的价格.
    • 3.本行程仅做参考,可能会有次序上的调整,最后行程以出团通知书为准.
    • 4.提供提前到达及延迟离开酒店预订服务(与团队所住酒店相同,可直接上团或离团),价格60-90美元不等,预订时可查价格.
    • 订购指南----为您节约时间,让您的预订更加方便,快捷!
    • 预订方式:本线路只接受网上在线预订,不接受电话预订(可电话咨询);即时预订,即时确认!
    • 支付方式:一般分为定金及余款支付.包括支付宝,财富通,银联卡,信用卡,转帐等;可选择美元或人民币支付.转帐帐号选择
    • 预订成功:客服人员会立即与您联系.您将会收到一人份定金支付确认书,请保持电话及邮件畅通;
    • 出团通知:出发前1-3天发给您,包括集合地点及时间,紧急联系方式等;保您出行无忧!
    • 预订时间:至少提前3-7天在线预订并支付定金,临时预订不能保证有空位; 美国旅游团都要求提前预订. /li>
    • 关于价格:所有价格均为真实价格,不用怀疑; 请直接在网上预订.
    • 关于签证:如果您需要办签证,请与中国各分社梦之旅联系,我们有专业人员为您办理赴美国及加拿大的签证,成功率高.
    • 收客范围:我们接受全国各地游客预订,同时也接受全世界华人游客去美国旅游的预订.
    • 组 团 社:美国梦之旅--中国梦之旅,著名旅游品牌,在线服务15年,中国及美国均有合法注册旅行社,已交纳保证金数量:220万;
    • 成  都:成都一环路南四段9号(西南民院对面)
    • 北  京:北京东城区交道口南大街15号
    • 上  海:上海市静安区南京西路1515号29楼38室
    • 重  庆:重庆渝北区武陵路71号
    • 纽  约:37-07 Prince St Flushing, NY 11354

    • By using of this Website, you warrant that: (1) you are an individual, 18 years of age or older, or if you are under 18, you are under the supervision of your parent or your legal guardian; (2) You possess the legal authority to create a binding legal obligation; (3) you will only use this Website to make legitimate reservations for you or for another person for whom you are legally authorized to act; (4) all information supplied by you on this Website is true, accurate, current and complete.
    • The content and information on this Website, as well as the infrastructure used to provide such content and information, is proprietary to us or our tour providers. While you may make limited copies of your travel itinerary (and related documents) for travel or services booked through this Website, you agree not to otherwise modify, make copies, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, products, or services obtained from or through this Website. In addition, you agree not to: (1) access, monitor or copy any content or information of this Website for any purpose without our express written permission; (2) violate the restrictions or circumvent other measures employed to prevent or limit access to any part of this Website; (3) take any action that imposes, or may impose, in our discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (4) deep-link to any portion of this Website for any purpose without our express written permission; or (5) incorporate any part of this Website into any other website without our prior written authorization.
    • Each customer is required to register as a Dreamstravel user and create an online Dreamstravel account before purchasing tours through the Website and/or through our agents. During the registration, customer is required to provide a valid registration email address for us to identify each individual customer. Customer may give a different ordering email address for each tour purchase. If not provided, however, the registration email address will be used as the ordering email address. We will use, for customer's convenience, the ordering email address to send order information and latest updates but we are not responsible for any loss caused by
    • (1) the incorrectness of the ordering email address;
    • (2) any delay or failure of the email delivery at the ordering email address;or
    • (3) customer's ignorance of the emails received at the ordering email address. To maximize the communication timeliness, we concurrently post the order information and latest updates to customer's online Dreamstravel account as we send them to customer's ordering email address. We hereby assume customer's awareness of such order information and latest updates immediately after they are posted into customer's online Dreams account. We are then not responsible for any loss directly or indirectly caused by customer's inability to access the internet or customer's ignorance of these posts on his/her online Dreamstravel account.
    • Once an order is placed, either through the Website or through our agents, a reservation process will be initiated within one business day. Within three business days after the reservation is started, we will confirm the tour reservation and send a confirmation notice to customer's ordering email address and online Dreams account. Payment of the tour will only be charged to the customer when the tour reservation is successful. If customer's tour reservation is failed for any reason, we will cancel the order and no payment will be charged to the customer. However, we are not responsible for any other losses directly or indirectly related to such tour reservation failure.
    • Dreamstravel reserves the right to cancel the tour reservation for any reason at any time without prior notice. We will fully refund you the tour payment after the cancellation but we are not responsible for customer's any other losses directly or indirectly related to such cancellation. Dreamstravel also reserves the right to adjust the reserved tour without prior notice if we believe, at our sole discretion, that the adjustment is necessary to complete the tour. We are not liable for customer's any loss directly or indirectly caused by such adjustments and no payment dispute shall be made because of such adjustments.
    • To provide more flexibility and convenience, you may cancel or change your order, subjecting to our policy restrictions, either through the Website or through our agents. After you place the order and before we start the tour reservation process, you may cancel or change your order without paying any processing fee or penalty and your tour payment will be completely based on the changed order. Once the tour reservation is initialized and before we confirm your reservation, no order cancellation will be accepted and you will only be allowed to add or change the contact and/or flight information for tour participants in the order. After you order is confirmed, you may cancel or change your order while limitations processing fee and/or penalty may occur.
    • Once an order is confirmed, you can request to cancel the order without any penalty only if (1) it is 8 days or more before the tour departure and (2) the order is not marked as non-cancellable.
    • If a tour cancellation is accepted, your tour payment will be partially refunded to you after deducted by a cancellation penalty of:
    • (1) 70% of the tour price if the cancellation is made between 3and 7days before the tour departure; .
    • (2) No refund if the cancellation is made within 3 days before the tour departure;
    • (3) Any cancellation is made for Speical days ,like national holidays,such as National Days,New Year Days,Christmas Days Thanksgiving Days etc., shall not be refunded.
    • (4) Dreams Travel reserves the right to reject any order cancellation if we believe, at our sole discretion, such cancellation is not appropriate. For example, any person failing to appear on the day of departure or during the trip is deemed automatic waiver of the right to the tour and shall not be refunded.
    • An order can be modified after it is confirmed only if (1) it is 8 days or more before the tour departure and (2) the order is not marked as non-changeable. And for those non-cancellable orders, if they are not marked as non-changeable, we only accept modifications in tour participant's contact information. Before we confirm the modified order, no modification other than contact information will be accepted for the order once the new reservation process is started. The reservation process will finish in three business days and we will send you a confirmation notice if the reservation is successfully confirmed. If the modified order cannot be confirmed for any reason, the previous confirmed order will be recovered as a valid order. We are not responsible for any loss directly or indirectly caused by such modification failures. If the modified order is successfully confirmed, the price difference will be charged to you if the modified order has higher price than the previous confirmed order. If the modified order has lower price that the previous confirmed order, the price difference will be partially refunded to you
    • 请在预定和购买旅行产品前仔细阅读此顾客订购须知的各项条款,以便您能全面了解双方的权利和责任。作为预订者,您必须认同您所阅读的内容,理解并同意以下各项内容或条款。本网有权在任何时候对其订购须知的内容或条款进行部分或全部修改,并不予以通知。如果没有位置,会退回全部定金;如果有位置请立即支付余款才能确定您的预定。
    • 1.您的资格
    • 您必须是18周岁或18周岁以上的个体。 如果您未满18周岁, 您可以在父母或法律监护人的带领下预订。
    • 2.您的责任
    • 在您预订前, 您有责任阅读所有和您想要购买团的相关信息,包括:价格与通知、路线介绍、团费包含哪些,不包含哪些、取消和退款政策、各项条款,以及特别提示等。一旦您阅读并充分理解其所有内容后,在购买后就不得有任何异议。
    • 3. 订购程序
    • (1). 请您使用网络预订的方式进行在线预订,预订时,系统会产生订单号,请您记住此订单号,并根据此订单号随时进入您的订单查询,当您支付成功后,您会收到一封确认的电子邮件,确认您的支付成功。
    • (2).我们会在两个工作日内将出团通知书发到您的邮箱(但由于有些邮箱设置了反垃圾邮件功能,致使您有可能收不到我们的邮件,这时您也可以登录本网的订单查询中获取您的出团通知书,或者致电我们获得帮助.
    • (3).您必须打印您的确认电子票或出团通知书,上有参团重要信息及地接公司紧急联络电话,在参团当日,请务必携带确认电子票及有效证件,交由导游。 请记住,这是您的参团凭证。
    • (4).若需要接机,您需要在出发前一天再次确认您的航班信息,若出现飞机晚点或误点,请及时通知接机人员,但责任自负。
    • 5.旅游保险
    • 为了您在旅游过程的权益得到保护,本网推荐您购买医疗、行程取消以及行李等保险项目。我们不对意外事故承担任何责任,包括丢失损坏物品,救护伤员,途中死亡等等。解决事宜会遵循航空公司、酒店和公共汽车公司等指定的规则。本公司认为凡参加本公司各类旅行团的旅客,是认可为了您他本人健康状态是适合于旅行的,如已有严重疾病,须经专业医生认可适合旅行,方能参加。旅客本人需对此负全部责任,如在旅行期间发生任何意外,不得以任何形式向本公司提出诉讼或赔偿。本公司不负任何法律责任。
    • 梦之旅不对任何由于您和旅行团供应商或第三方争论而引起的开销或损害负责,包括一切涉及到本网站或使用网站內信息的事宜,您不得发表任何针对本网以及它的所有成员及附属机构的言论。
    • 6.订团修改和取消
    • 旅行团的行程安排尽量会和预计的保持一致。但为了保证您的旅途安全,在很少的特殊情况下,由于天气、交通、暴动和其它一些无法控制的原因,我们保留对行程更改、推迟和取消的权利。另外,我们还保留在出发前如果参团人数不足以成团的情况下取消行程的权利。由设备及交通工具损坏、罢工、疾病、偷窃、走失、意外事故、天气等造成的客人自己的行程改变、延迟或取消,本公司概不负责。由于以上无法控制的原因所导致行程延误或取消的额外费用,由团员自行负责,本公司不做任何补偿。如因上列因素导致团员个人身体或生命有所损伤时,本公司亦不承担任何法律责任.
    • 为维护团体共同利益,旅客若有妨碍团体正常活动之情况,本公司有权取消其继续参加行程之资格, 其未完之行程,不得要求退款或转让。自旅客离团之时算起,一切行动均与本公司无关。如基于个人原因,团员要求自行出发或中途离团,本公司将尽力协助安排,但不负责一切由于交通上或其他原因之延误而导致的未能赶上预先安排的行程,或住宿上直接或间接之费用或损失。
    • 7.护照和签证
    • 您有责任携带一切旅游证件和/或进入和/或经由您选择路线中国家所必须的一切必备证件。不同国籍的人会有不同的入境规定。本网不会保留顾客的私人旅行证件或是承担通知每个国家现行所需证件的责任。您要承担由于缺少旅行证件而造成的推迟或行程更改的所有费用。您应当严格遵守法律以及游览国家政府所发布的法规,包括移民和海关法律条例等。美国梦之旅网不对您由于违背游览国家政府法规而产生的罚款负责。
    • 8.报名办法
    • 本网推荐使用网上在线报名的方式进行报名,本网已为您在线报名设置了一切方便的功能,包括在线支付等,如有需要也可通过电子邮件或我们公司电话进行报名。
    • 此订购须知视同为客人和走美国梦之旅的协议。此协议遵循并依照美国纽约州法律之内容,不与其法律条款抵触。一旦顾客对美国梦之旅专业旅游网进行使用并享用其提供之服务,即视为同意遵守美国纽约州法院所有的个人专属管辖权,并因此同意无条件遵守美国纽约州内法院规定之所有法律条款。一旦该协议中的条款出现无效或非强制性的规定,该规定必须最大限度的得到强制执行。强制过程中包含的其他规定仍然发挥充分法律效力。美国梦之旅不支持或强制执行该协定的任何规定的行为不视为对任何权限和规定的弃权。该协议是顾客和美国梦之旅旅游网之间针对顾客对美国梦之旅旅游网的使用而制定的。

    优惠及折扣 订阅我们的电子周刊
    • Copyright@ 2011 America Dreams Travel All Rights Reserved. Designated
      trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.